When Mr. Trump announced his candidacy, he would have been my last choice... well, nearly last. Does he fit the mold? No, when compared to all the others with one exception. Has he done the job. YES! Despite all the obstacle creators, nay sayers and never-Trumpers. I've never witnessed more energy and effectiveness. Do I like his "tweets?" Not necessarily... but he has less than 10% of the "press" even willing to give him a fair shake... so he makes his own news.

I guess that makes me "middle class"... even though I've always thought of myself as Royalty! LOL!

I believe Mr. Mueller should resign immediately and take his stooges with him so this man can complete the job he was elected to do. The FBI and the IRS need a large dose of Castor Oil.

Get over it Hillary worshipers. She would have driven us to ruin, surrendered to the North Koreans and sold us to the Chinese or Russians just so she and slick Willy could have slid into retirement on some faraway tropical island.

Sorry John (and Charles Krauthammer)... we've stolen your thread and turned it into another political comedy.

Last edited by Dave Rice; 06/15/18 04:43 PM. Reason: enlightenment