I'd say most of them. Doctor's need education. So do Carpenters, singers, songwriters, etc. But I don't care how much education you get if you don't have what it takes to be great at what you are doing you never will be.
Oh! you might be "good" at it but you will never be great.
There are only a small percentage of people who can play musical instruments "Great" you don't know the difference between good and great until you hear "great".

There is a difference between being good at something and being great. I think you can teach someone to be "good" at it. But great? nope. You either have it or you don't.
And you might have it but if you don't really want it you will never develop it.

Someone had a thread here asking what advice you would give a new songwriter. My advice? If you want to make a living at this or ever expect to hear your song on the radio... Go home.

Last edited by Bill Robinson; 01/25/10 03:20 PM.

Skype; bill.robinson12

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." --Thomas Jefferson didn't say it