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Trying to post lyrics which are on the lyric 3 board but having trouble doing it...gotta get used to the boards again..tks

Just copy and paste Glyn
I've tried but it won't let me do it. But I'll try something else..tks
Morning, Glyn:

Lots of folks are having problems with this and that on the JPF site. Brian will get it squared away soon, I'm sure. I missed being able to read the lyric but really like this song. It needs more instruments in the background but the vocalist did a fine job in "selling the song." I was unable to bring the volume up sufficiently to grasp every nuance but don't let anyone or anything keep you from pursuing your dreams with this one. Great stuff. Sad, but I'm a sucker for a sad song. Best of luck with it.

Merry Christmas, ----Dave
Tks so much Dave..the lyrics are on the lyric forum 3
Hey Glyn,


This is just the demo. I can see so many musical arrangements here. You made myself and my partner's souls bleed. Every word is perfect and the delivery is spot on.

Great work ! What a beautiful song ........

cheers, niteshift
Oh wow made this ole' country woman smile this morning..just what I needed...thank you so much for this...I'm so happy I realized I needed.posted it...and so happy I'm trying to keep my mind this one myself too.

Love this, Glynda.
Heart wrenching lyrics_delivered beautifully.
I can hear a fiddle or cello

Your singer reminds me a bit of Cynthia Rhodes. "Finding Out the hard way"

A real treat to the ear, indeed...….
Aww thank you so much Nelson..I appreciate your words so much..

Hi Glynda!

This is beautiful--wonderful melody, wonderful lyrics! I agree with Nite--serious potential here. Enjoyed your sweet vocals as well.

Hi Glyn
Great to see you around again, loved this one
Thank you so much. Eddie...this one was an easy write..when I was much longer did have someone that I cared a lot about...but the world at that time was too cruel of an older woman and a younger didn't work out..but I put those old feelings into this song..but I'll also forever wonder what if...thanks for liking it..

Helloooo John..great to be back...and thank you sir for liking thus you guys

With a minimum of effects.... That’s impressive! Great control! smile
Hi Glynda,
This is what a sad love song should be. haunting, I loved it.
Hey Glyn,

Had to come back for a re-listen. smile

Here's the direct link

cheers, niteshift
Thank you so very much JAPOV..I appreciate it so much..

Hi John thank you for liking this one .

Hi Glynda,

Very well done.
Good to see ya.

Hey Calvin great to see you too and thank you very much.....

You poured it all out in this one and it is so pleasing to the listener. So much feeling projected, and your vocals are still as stellar as they were when I first heard you, but
on this song they shine beyond anything stellar. Some might say it needs more instruments, that's all fine and it would be dandy but I am and always will be a sucker for solos with one instrument, bleeding out hope and despair while offering the listeners band-aids of beauty and comfort. Well done Glynda.~~Matt
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