Originally Posted by Dave Rice
Morning, Martin:

Forgive my tardiness. I just listened to Zaneski's embellishments to "By You" and enjoyed every minute. I noticed the artwork and your comment "softened" and suspect it will be the cover or artwork that will accompany the song as it winds it's way through the music world.

It is such a good song and I wish you all the very best with it.

Regards, ----Dave

It's really nice of you to say that Dave. Thanks.
As far as the music world...there's no denying that I would love for some artist to say that they are interested in the song. But I give that no chance of occurring. Nevertheless writing the songs and working up the art is enjoyable in and of itself. So my goal is to enjoy it...and never completely lose hope. wink

Always appreciative,


Last edited by Martin Lide; 10/01/16 09:51 PM.