Morning, FD:

Brees had nothing to apologize for. If the NFL continues this misguided "kneeling" junk... I will find something else to do with my spare time. If folks don't respect or love this Country and it's Anthem, find someplace else to try and survive.

First the Pandemic, then the senseless 8 or 9 minute knee on the neck of a hand-cuffed prisoner by a Minneapolis Police Officer, now the threat of a Hurricane in or around New Orleans... plus all the ANTIFA and BLM rioting with not-so-peaceful demonstrations... and it all begins to look like a full-scale attack on our RIGHTS as Citizens of the USA. What amazed me was what appeared to be 90% of college age white kids marching and carrying signs... then 90% of the looters appeared to be underprivileged young black people. Something is terribily wrong with this picture.

Peaceful protests are fine... but don't impede traffic on busy streets or freeways, destroy or loot homes and businesses... and let the rest of us get on with our already disrupted lives.

My sympathy to the family of Mr. Floyd. I hope we have been told the entire story about this sad event. We have laws, juries and courts to handle tragedies such as this.

Where is the outrage over the ambush of a California Sheriff's Deputy yesterday... or the sensless beating of that poor old white man in a Nursing Home by a 22 year old muscular black man? That was painful to watch regardless of which side of the fence one's beliefs or standards fall. Sad for America!