"I am not this body, this mind or person."

I have read all of the comments so far...with real interest since they were all mostly concerned with the physical manifestation called the body! Yes...it is certainly true that we observe and interact with the bodies that we see around us and the one we currently inhabit.

But do we ever really die? Is not ....the soul immortal? Nevertheless, we as spirit souls...do leave our bodies when they become useless like an old car that has broken down. We as spirit souls do not need a body to live..... but the body does need the soul to be "animated" or alive. When someone "dies" people say "he or she has gone". What or who has gone? The lifeless body is still there! Right? Right!

Further info can be found in the following article:

In the last paragraph of this article.... Death says in the Kathopanishad: -

"God made sense turn outward, man therefore looks outward, not into himself. Now and again a daring soul, desiring immortality, has looked back and found himself.
The ignorant man runs after pleasure, sinks into the entanglements of death; but the wise man, seeking the undying, does not run among things that die.
He through whom we see, taste, smell, feel, hear, enjoy, knows everything. He is that Self.
The wise man by meditating upon the self-dependent, all-pervading Self, understands waking and sleeping and goes beyond sorrow."

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Through these words....through our words... we have in someway....connected in a place that transcends time, the mind, and the body.