Hello everyone,

I was pleasantly surprised to come across this one, which is a collaboration between Nige and myself. In fact, I wasn't even aware that Nige was a member until the last few days. Like I recently said, I've been a member for several years but just started to actively participate.

I'm pleased to hear the positive feedback on this one. I was the primary lyricist on this project, although Nige made many lyrical contributions as well, including the re-structuring of the chorus to reflect a different rhyme scheme. Other than that, it's all Nige and his accompanying vocalist, Alison.

know Nige is considering revisiting this one at some point so the more input the better. Along those lines, I've been toying around with some lyrical tweaks as well. We'll see what happens.

Thanks for taking a look!


Last edited by BillyS; 07/07/10 08:30 PM.