Farewell Fortune
Page · Musician/band
Farewell Fortune is a project of Don Huffman recording at Deep End Studios in Middle River, MD.

A new music video/short film from Farewell Fortune and 1980 Films. "Static", the first part of a trilogy, tells the story of Qira and Dr Calvin Pilgrim tryin...
MESSENGER · If you haven't checked out the @[100001455296519:2048:Jamin Mears] directed video for our song "Static", that is currently cruising around the film festival circuit, check it out and show your pals! Currently selected for @[100067566570516:2048:Festival of Cinema NYC], @[100053642844004:2048:GenreBlast], and an award winner at 4 others, "Static" is a story about family reconnecting set in a thrilling timeline. Thanks again for all the support out there! 🫵

There will always be another song to be written. Someone will write it. Why not you? www.garyeandrews.com