
Gospel and Christian music is one of the easier pitches you can make because there are always groups and individuals coming to local churches, doing concerts, fellowships, etc. They generally are not afraid of the lawsuits most of us have to toil under, which is again, why it is so hard to get the "internet and mail in pitches done." Film and television pitches are mostly music only, so unless they are broadcast ready recordings, with no lyrics on them, most likely the songs are going to get rejected. Lyrics tend to get in the way of a scene and dialogue, so are not going to be viable for the majority of pitches. There are some, as John has noted, but most music in film television and commericals are designed to support but not take the focus off the action on the screen. If you listen to commericals, you will find it either in the background with music only, or written for the specific product being advertised. The only time that changes, is if it is a classic hit song with an air of famliarity that would increase the viewers connection with a product.

Gospel and Christian artists do tour constantly and are generally more accessable through meet and greets. So being able to contact them, find out who listens for them, is an easier (not easy nothing is that) process than most other pitches.

The inherent problem you and all people like you face, is that you are getting more and more impersonal in a business that requires more and more personal relationships. This is the main problem. The Internet, having put so many people, so many songs, so much product out, and the vast vast vast majority of that sub standard and totally a waste of time to listen to, into the game. Therefore, it is more important than ever to have actual PERSONAL contact with these people. Even with a library you really need to know who you are working with. If you cant do that, you are mostly just wasting your time.

The quality people who have good reputations will think "They are trying to get with me. If they can't make the effort to know me, what do I need with them?"

And your competition IS taking the time to meet them. I have several friends who are song pluggers and they are on very close relationships with everyone they wiork with. Their reputation is everything so they are not going to take a chance on working with substandard quality. One bad appointment can end their careers.

So I think you need to tighten your net much tighter. Find the closest person's business doing what you want to do and contact them. Go see them. Have a sit down meeting. If you can't do that, I'm afraid, you are going to have the same results you have had in the past.

It's unfortunate, but with the amount of people and product in the game now, along with the decline in quality, it is just going to get tougher and tougher. Do you have videos or representations on your songs that you can post on web sites, you tube, facebook, etc? Again, if you don't, you are playing in the wrong ballgame. We all have to up our levels to the modern era. Or be content to be who we are. Which should be the first thing. Please yourself.