Thanks Dave my friend. We are what we are and it is good to know what we are. Some people strive to be greater than they are just to separate themselves from the rest of us and put them on a self made pedestal. Often money is the tool that they use to do that. Some climb a ladder of success by stomping on others to get there. I try to succeed by doing what is right in God's eyes, not man's eyes. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is the golden rule that we all should live by. Another good bible rule is don't try removing a speck from your brother's eye until removing the beam in your own eye. Some good teaching in that there book. Too bad most of the world don't even bother to read it, let alone practice it.

The main thing is be yourself and be content with yourself, trying to be someone else or something else can be very frustrating, like that great song said, BE HAPPY. LOL Have a great Christmas and a great New Year.