Hi Jean... [Linked Image]...well, HEY....I have one of those....kinda ugly..Everitt's too. [Linked Image].......
and whenever I get it tuned....the piano tuner usually comments...on the fact it is
a very nice piano....just don't hear very much about them any more.

I really like having the digital...next to the computer though,..and being able to change things instantly....(uh..the few things i know how to change [Linked Image])....

take care..happy..playing..
(I understand all what you said..and feel the same way..can get lost when playing..
till both kids are on either side of me..
explaining..WHICH direction...I should be going.... [Linked Image])..

i need to get the Everitt tuned up...and
there's a key that's very sluggish...
it's an older studio model.

best wishes,
Kaley [Linked Image]