My experience is that the Internet has created more critics than at anytime in history. Speaking mostly about music here, but it applies to just about everything.

Before the net, people did not scrutinize lyrics, they did not scrutinize production, they listened and either liked it or didn't. They bought a record and sometimes the lyrics came with it! And you listened along, uncaring if the lyrics made sense, were good, all u needed was maybe a feeling, something that moved u in some way. No explanation needed.

And before I learned how to play music, listening to music was pure and a joy, it just was. That changes when u start writing, recording, producing, etc. suddenly you start seeing and hearing things about music you never noticed before, and sometimes that enhances it, other times it gets in the way

My point is, yes there is a that, what are we opining on?

Do we need the lyrics written out? What happens when we write the lyrics out? Suddenly the emphasis is on what your reading, and a lot of people open a thread, read the lyric and don't listen to the song, which is stupid really

In the real world, people listen to music, they either like it or they don't.

There are objective things we can see and say if we want to, I do it sometimes here, because we are supposedly different than the average listener

But in the end, the lyric could be written in ancient Aramaic, if the song is good it does not matter one bit.

I'm a big fan of lyrics too, but it shouldn't be about reading the lyric, it should be about listening and maybe, relating to the ideas in the song.

So opinions are wide open, do we give an opinion on a rhyme? Or if a publisher might be turned off by a line? Or do we give an opinion on if we like it or not.

But u can get a feel for what type of feedback people are looking for. I dont think the ones with full blown productions are looking for opinions on a line in the lyric.

But yeah it's all on par with helping other songwriters. Some give opinions cause they want u to review there's. Others give opinions because they are bored, some are trying to stick to the script.

But where friendships are concerned, if you do give honest sometimes critical feedback, more often than not that person won't be happy with it. Regardless what they

I remember Jim Colyer wherever he is these days. He gave some of the most simplistic basic responses to songs, rarely diving in to the content of it, used to crack me up. But looking back at it now, he didn't need to say more than that, it didn't matter!

Last edited by Fdemetrio; 04/13/18 01:20 PM.