Hi y'all from here in Virginia!

So, I finally took the plunge and signed up here... I played professionally for 15 years before getting a "real job." I just refit my home studio to computer based recording, and I'm putting all my energies back into music and songwriting. No more touring for me as that was exhausting but I will be teaching guitar and writing full time now.

I write mostly on the softer side of rock and some jazz, although I have been known to write the occasional country or hard rock tune. I am pretty good on guitar and I can play the piano; I just wish my voice was better so be gentle if I post demos! Anyway, I am hoping to meet other songwriters and musicians of all genres and abilities.

Seeyas around the forums,

If it has strings I will find a way to play it!

You can hear my tunes at https://soundcloud.com/tc-gypsy