
I agree with both of your points. In your second point, you did a much better job of explaining my view than I did. I performed/played for over 35 years. During that entire period, I have repetitively heard it: "Always put your best foot forward...always. You never know who is in your audience". I think what you said pretty agrees with what I said, just different terminology. The care you put into your presentation of your musical package, which includes graphics for any public display of your work, says a lot about your approach and attitude of how you want to be perceived as an artist/performer.

Perhaps it all seems rather insignificant to some folks; but I feel it is an important part of your entire musical package. I truly believe that producers, A&R folks, labels, etc., do look at the whole package. I am 61 years old; so all of it means little to me as a performer. But for younger folks looking to move their careers ahead, I say leave no stone unturned. It certainly won't hurt; and it could help. Your insignificant item may be an important consideration for the guy or gal that has the ears of the publisher or the label. You have no way of knowing. So, why not cover all bases?

Certainly, one should NEVER vote for or against a song simply because of the graphic arts. My point was that when all else is equal, that might be ther difference.

And a belated congrats on your win last month!
