I think what ticks me off the most is all of the last minute entries getting lots of opportunities to be judged and the ones that have been there getting almost none.

My daughter logged on to vote, and told me that in all of the "Battles" she did, my song came up only twice while other songs, ahead of and behind me, came up repeatedly, and the new ones came up the most.

I logged in and got to vote, finally, after 4 days of being told there were no more entries to judge in the final week and that I could no longer vote in the category (and I voted in other categories). The entries had gone from 48 to 75 in no time flat, and I voted at least 60 battles, pick four and head to head, my song came up once, while others, including the COVER came up 4+ times. Random,? my aunt fanny its random! And I still say that because I decided to speak up about things I was put in the corner by who or whatever the powers are.

So, I gotta scratch my head along with Big Jim here.....quoting my favorite show CSI:Miami- "There's something hinky here..."
