I guess that the good that happens gets passed over because we expect good to happen, and the infamous gets glamorised. It's always been that way but I wouldn't expect to hear a song about Jeffery Dahmer or Ted Bundy too soon.
It's ironic, or maybe my subconscious brought up the subject because I happen to be finishing up a song that I wrote about Edgar Watson. He was a western outlaw who moved to the Everglades to evade justice in 1880. He was a mass murderer who was shot down by a mob of vigilantes in 1910. His daughter went on to marry a railroad tycoon and bank president. Because of her, his family went on to prominence and have a prominent name to this day in my area. I have friends who are ancestors of Watson, but everybody knows the story.
I'm waiting for a private critique from a fellow JPF member before I finish the lyric. I have the melody pretty much down. It will be in the key of B with some slide guitar. Kind of Steve Earlish. Ben