For those frustrated by artists entering covers and claiming it to be theirs.. this is the type of stuff that artists try to pull all the time. It's why musicians in general have bad repuations because often, if left to their own devices, some will lie, cheat and steal. Are they just like everyone else? Sure... but often artists seem to view themselves, as a collective, as above the fray. Add to the dishonesty the complete delusional state which many others are in about the quality and mass appeal potential of their music and you'll see why people at Labels and Publishers etc. put up so many barriers between them and the masses of musicians. As someone who has submerged himself into the often murky waters of the grassroots music community, I of course see way more amazingly nice and honest people in our community than outsiders often see. The reason is that it's sadly common for those who lie and cheat the most to get the most attention and go the farthest before being caught.. or in some cases they are never caught and find mainstream success instead. I think it's why so many big music stars turn out to be such horrible people (i.e. drug addicts, sleazebags, irresponsible jerks and so on). Our industry seems to encourage that behavior as a right of passage towards success. The nice honest folks often get nowhere doing it the right way. I think we see the exact same thing in Politics and Business in general. Fortunately for me, I chose a path where I get to spend most of my time with the honest and good people.

= )


Brian Austin Whitney
Just Plain Folks
Skype: Brian Austin Whitney

"Don't sit around and wait for success to come to you... it doesn't know the way." -Brian Austin Whitney

"It's easier to be the bigger man when you actually are..." -Brian Austin Whitney

"Sometimes all you have to do to inspire humans to greatness is to give them a reason and opportunity to do something great." -Brian Austin Whitney